infectious MV(mature virus)
- quasi-brick-shaped particle
- oval core扁圆形的核心, enclosing the viral genome, transcriptional machinery
使用nonionic detergent非离子型洗涤剂处理MVs可以得到无膜的稳定的core
- precise structure and molecular composition of MVs?
- which of these proteins(A3, A4…) make up its prominent features?
VACV core sample preparation for cryo-ET
sample preparation:
- Low NP-40 and DTT
- 50mM Tris-Cl pH 8.5
The VACV in vitro cores display three layers
outer palisade layer
middle layer, inner core wall: 和上层的排列方式不一样。
innermost layer(?): appears irregular
AlphaFold2 predictions of major core proteins
A3, A4, A10 and L4以及lateral body protein F17
A3, A10 and L4单体形成了有序的结构,但是A4 and F17大部分都是无序的。
A3 and L4 could form dimers,A10 most likely forms a trimer
The palisade consists of trimers of major core protein A10
there is no preferential clustering or location of the different classes on the core surface
has minor differences in orientation relative to each other