Multi-modal cryo-EM reveals trimers of protein A10 to form the palisade layer in poxvirus cores



Poxviruses 痘病毒largest dsDNA viruses: variola virus天花病毒,monkeypox猴痘,vaccination strain vaccinia virus牛痘疫苗株(VACV)
bio question:
但是proteins that form the viral core不知道
  • 即使通过实验间接证明了主要的core proteins,但是其结构也不知道
  • they could not be assigned to individual core features.他们和单个核的特征的对应关系不清楚
  • 哪个pr组成了哪层核心(the palisade layer and the inner core wall)
multi-modal cryo-EM多方法cryoEM+AlphaFold
  • trimers formed by the cleavage product of VACV protein A10 are the key component of the palisade layer.由VACV蛋白A10裂解产物形成的三聚体是palisade layer栅栏层的关键组分。
  • allows us to place previously obtained descriptions of protein interactions within the core wall into perspective与之前已知的在core wall内的protein interactions相结合,
  • provide a detailed model of poxvirus core architecture得到poxvirus core结构的detailed model
  • A10 trimers中的interaction可能在orthopox正痘病毒科以及parapoxviruses副痘病毒科中也存在


variola virus:causative agent of smallpox天花的致病因子
VACV:prototypical and most extensively studied poxvirus;attenuated vaccination strain 减毒疫苗株to eradicate smallpox天花
近期re-emergence of monkeypox virus以及localized outbreaks of mpox,再次强调了研究intricate poxvirus lifecycle的重要性。
Poxvirus replication在viral factories (exclusively located within the cytoplasm of a host cell)
然后产生immature viruses (IVs)
再变为infectious intracellular mature virions (MVs)有感染性的胞内成熟病毒因子
最后extracellular enveloped mature virions (EVs)
MVs:enveloped by a lipid bilayer,contains a dumbbell-shaped core (encapsulates the viral genome)
lateral bodies(LB): laterally attach to the exterior of the core,contain viral proteins for modulating host immunity 宿主免疫力and the oxidative response氧化响应
IVs to MVs: proteolytic cleavage of several core proteins, 需要对几个核心蛋白进行蛋白酶裂解,which in turn 转而contribute to the formation and condensation of the viral core造成病毒核心的形成和凝聚,并使其具有with characteristic shape特异性的形状以及biochemical signature生化标记物/特征
The core is one of the uniting factors in all the infectious poxvirus forms核心是其中一个在所有有感染性的痘病毒中的联合因子
在病毒生命周期中具有重要作用:protected transfer of the viral genome and required accessory proteins to a newly infected cell病毒基因组的保护性转移以及必须的附属蛋白
因此substantial effort has been invested into detailed structural and biochemical characterization of the core对于核心的结构和生化特性进行了很多重要的研究。
structural determinants that underlie core morphogenesis have remained poorly understood成为核心形态发生的结构决定因子未知。
impeded by the molecular complexity of poxviruses and the apparent lack of sequence homology of the suggested structural protein candidates to other species.主要受到痘病毒的分子复杂性以及候选的结构蛋白与其他物种的序列明显缺乏同源性的制约。
  • 对于VACV的Room-temperature and cryo-EM已经发现了一个非连续的palisade layer(formed of spike-like assemblies(由类似spike的聚合体形成),这层是在连续的viral inner core wall外层。
  • cryo-ET发现这些spikes形成了pseudo-hexameric lattice准六边形的晶格结构。
  • the presence of pore-like structures with unknown function spanning the core wall在核心壁上有未知功能的孔状结构
  • 通过很多实验也已经了解了形成core wall and palisade layer的蛋白,比如免疫金标记、生化实验、重组病毒,包括A10、A3、A4、L4。23K是A10最小的裂解产物。
  • A10、A4在core wall的外层。A3和L4在core wall的内层。A3 and A4是palisade layer的组分。L4是一种DNA binding protein
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问题在于:没有直接的结构证据,将这些蛋白质准确地分配到特定的结构组分,比如the palisade layer, the inner core wall or protein densities in the core interior。而这对于了解key steps of the poxvirus lifecycle十分重要。
用multi-modal cryo-EM研究complete VACV MVs and isolated VACV virus cores
  • the palisade layer and inner core wall adopt two different local symmetries栅栏层和核心内壁采用了两种不同的对称性
  • identify several distinct structural entities in the core
  • trimers of A10 form the palisade layer
  • extend the structural atlas of poxvirus cores and present a substantially refined model of poxvirus core assembly


Cryo-ET of VACV mature virus

没有experimental structure of the major structural core protein:用AlphaFold预测A10, 23K, A3, A4, and L4
  • 23k有三个helix
  • L4有个globular球形结构
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  • A10结构比较复杂,N端在两个domain之间
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  • A3结构紧凑,N、C端靠在一起
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performed cryo-ET on intact VACV MV virions purified from infected HeLa cells
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和之前的结论一样,core surface的表面就是spikes of the palisade layer;core lumen核腔大部分是空的,除了附在内壁的condensed viral genome
为了得到high-resolution structures of the individual layers of the core,使用STA:
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palisade layer的六边形结构:
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但是inner core wall密度不行,说明其排列方式和palisade layer不同。
这时分辨率也不够,13A左右,不足以确定trimer或者inner core wall的蛋白组分。
但是可以用这个获得palisade layer整体的排列形式:
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没有发现能够完成整个六边形晶格闭合的pentamer formation五边形
This is reminiscent of the incomplete hexagonal lattice observed, for example, with Gag proteins in immature retroviruses, and is also reminiscent of the poxvirus D13 pseudo-hexagonal matrix reconstituted in vitro and visualized in vivo这让人联想到在未成熟逆转录病毒的 Gag 蛋白中观察到的不完整的六边形晶格,也让人联想到在体外重组和在体内观察到的痘病毒 D13 伪六边形基质。

Cryo-ET of isolated MV cores reveals their complexity

用NP-40和DTT分离了VACV cores
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genome分散在整个核心之中,说明core isolation会影响genome的凝聚
  • visualize trimers in the palisade layer
  • inner core wall的排列方式:square-like shape
并且还发现第三种排列方式:flower-shaped structures,These assemblies may be the core wall pores
在inner core wall下方的线状结构,就是DNA

SPA reveals a diversity of structures in isolated cores

isolated cores质量很高,可以用SPA进一步分析。
两个dataset:isolated viral cores;the second retained only individual components released from cores as the sample was prepared with an additional centrifugation purification step before vitrification分离的病毒核心以及离心后病毒核心释放出来的物质。
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对这些datasets做了2D classification,trimeric, tetrameric, pentameric, and hexameric assemblies得到3/4/5/6聚物;得到了pore和inner core wall
我们不能得到both the inner core wall and the palisade layer were equally well resolved的结构,因为这两者的排列方式不同。

Proteomics of isolated cores

同时做了MS,确定SPA的样品确实包含了更多的A10, A3, A4 and L4

Trimers of A10 constitute the palisade layer

3D refinement
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The A10 trimer is stabilized through extensive interactions

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The palisade layer forms weak interactions between trimers

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A10三聚体是palisade layer的主要成分,但是fit进去后相互之间有比较大的距离,似乎侧向互作很少,因此推测palisade layer以及核心的稳定不仅仅是靠A10三聚体,而且是靠内层inner core wall以及其他一些互作。
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Positioning of core wall proteins with respect to the trimer

假如说A10是palisade layer的主要成分,那么其他的结构蛋白会不会与A10互作:spatial model of wall organization。
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A4优先与A10三聚体的外边互作,A3主要是在inner side,23K和L4都有,L4更靠中心。
A3有可能是inner core wall的一部分。
A10三聚体朝inner core wall的那部分强烈带正电。
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用low-res inner core wall加上AlphaFold能够成功将之前预测的A3结构fit进。并且也符合A10 layer朝内带负电,A3 layer朝外带正电的现象
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The flower-shaped pore of the core wall

得到了7.2A的结构,但是红色部分仍然未知;并且central hexamer density也无法确定。
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A10 trimers are likely conserved in ortho- and parapoxviruses

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关系更远的痘病毒的A10同源物相似性就更低了,比如MsEPV和AmEPV的A10同源物,所以序列相似性只有20%左右,整体结构也很不相同。但是A10朝向inner core wall的区域却非常相似,说明这部分结构可能是A10的决定性结构域。
这些说明正痘病毒和副痘病毒属的A10三聚体(也就是形成这个palisade layer的spike-like proteins)之间形成的相互作用都是非常类似的
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  • place previously obtained descriptions of protein interactions and locations within the core wall into perspective
  • provide a more detailed model of poxvirus core architecture
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The position of structural proteins within the core


Immunoprecipitation免疫沉淀反应表明,A10和A4在核心蛋白裂解和MVs形成之前就形成了一个稳定的复合体。并且之前有研究认为形成palisade layer的spike protein是A4。
我们的研究表明,A4不是组成palisade layer的三聚体的一部分,并且A4是有很多无规则卷曲的。
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那么A4在哪呢?有研究表明,A4 is on the exterior of the core, on the basis of data showing that A4 partially disappears after purification of the cores using the detergent NP-40 and DTT
A4这种较为伸展的构象让人联想到腺病毒adenoviruses中的minor coat proteins,又叫做cement proteins,在组装和维持病毒shell方面发挥重要作用。因此A4也可能有类似的作用,为palisade layer提供额外稳定性。
之前有报道说A4是一种matrix-like protein, establish a link between the core and surrounding membranes through binding to other viral membrane proteins


Cross-linking mass spectrometry (XL–MS)表明A10和A3之前有直接相互作用。
我们的模型表明,A10和A3之间的连接主要位于三聚体的底部,因此A3可能是inner core wall的一部分。
而下面虚线框区域的可能是23K,根据XL-MS data
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L4是DNA binding protein,在病毒core里面。因此上述互作位点的图中L4和A10的互作位点还不够确凿。
  • A4在病毒核心外侧;
  • A10形成palisade layer
  • A3形成inner core wall
  • 23K有可能像之前说的在三聚体下方,也有可能在pore内
  • L4有可能也在pore内,或者在core腔内。

A10 as a shape-defining structural protein in the core wall

既然A10组成了palisade layer,那么功能是什么?
因此core的完整性应当由另一个layer实现,比如inner core wall,或者由A4在三聚体更外侧辅助
有突变研究验证发现,A10的缺失会导致MVs无法正确聚集,而此时inner core wall会变成stacks或者sheet-like architecture。说明A10主要影响viral core的形状和曲率,而inner core wall则更倾向于通过更强的侧向相互作用起到稳定core的作用。
在isolated cores中也可以看出,虽然部分trimers已经从core表面脱落,但是core和inner core wal本身是完整的

The poxvirus core pore

就是花状的结构,之前的研究猜测功能可能是介导mRNA排出,或者是viral D5 primase and helicase的六边形环状结构。我们的结构发现在花状pore的中间还有额外的density,而且这个空间足够DNA进出。
但是还需要更多研究观察这个pore是否在转运nucleic acid中起作用。

Structural characterization of proteins from virus lysates

  • change the purification protocols for cores and improve sample vitrification protocols to reduce the observed preferred orientation
  • in vitro reconstitution of structural core proteins