Model organisms
- non-human species
- used (extensively) to study particular biological phenomena
- Genetic background: 例如B6小鼠,近亲交配,background干净,容易溯源
- Reproductivity:繁殖速度快
- Cost:成本低
- Research tools:遗传工程、行为学研究、生理学研究等
- 最大的劣势:mice are not humans
- functional differences between humans and mouse NKT cells: expression, distribution, effect are all different
mice model
- 什么是成功的小鼠模型?
- 从小鼠模型获得什么?
- 如何得到一个成功的小鼠模型?
Important / potential criteria:
- Recapitulate (faithfully) symptoms
- ob / ob mice:II型糖尿病小鼠模型 ⇒ Leptin signaling system
- Carcinoma xenograft 肿瘤模型;
- Rheumatoid arthritis 类风湿性关节炎;
- Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 渐冻症 ⇒ ALS mouse model
- Recapitulate (faithfully) pathology
- Carcinoma 癌
- Heart ventricular hypertrophy 心室肥大
- Parkinson’s disease
- Recapitulate etiology (重现病因)
- BRAF (V600E) mutation 黑色素瘤, RAS-RAF Pathway (调控cell proliferation key pathway)
- APP mutations, Alzheimer disease
- 基因突变最容易建立小鼠模型
- Elucidate biological mechanism of a particular disease
- ob / ob, db / db mice
- C3H / HeJ mice: 研究免疫反应
- Develop diagnostic and / or therapeutic approaches
- Leptin therapy
- Anti-VEGF therapy(黄斑性病变), age-related macular degeneration (AMD or ARMD)
- anti-CTLA4 therapy(现在用的少了,容易过度激活免疫系统), anti-PD1 therapy 肿瘤疗法
- Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell immunotherapy。成本高,通量低,每个人都要单独做。成功的案例有Target B-cell 癌。别的肿瘤还需要寻找到特异物。
How to generate a good mice model?
Common approaches:
- Genetic
- Blastocyst injection,得到嵌合体小鼠。
- 可以在一只小鼠上做不同的modification,并合并在一个个体上
- 不同小鼠还可以进行交配,合并不同的gene modification
- 可以做大片段突变
- 需要传代得到杂合体,需要保持胚胎干细胞cell line的一致性
- CRISPR / Cas-Mediated Genome Engineering
- 效率高,得到的直接就是基因突变的小鼠,不需要传代
- 不能做多基因突变、大片段突变
- Pharmacologic
- Intracerebroventricular Administration
- subconjunctival Administration
- In vitro and in vivo experimental hepatotoxic models in liver research
- Surgical
- 神经损伤研究
- Humanized mice
- 感染模型,细菌 / 病毒模型(直接让小鼠表达受体可能不work,因此将human fetal liver打进小鼠体内,然后诱导小鼠肝损伤,在肝修复过程中就可以得到人-小鼠肝嵌合体),从而可以研究乙肝病毒、HIV病毒感染模型。但是仅限于研究感染过程,至于病毒的复制等无法研究。
- Others
- Smoking exacerbates amyloid pathology in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease
- Morris water maze: widely used in behavioral neuroscience to study spatial learning and memory
Using animals for one’s experiments is not a right but a privilege
- be justified, scientifically, ethically and legally
- 3R原则:减少、替代、优化