- 遗传学:基因-性状、基因型-表型。代际遗传学、群体遗传学
- 分子生物学:基因调控;基因决定论
- 细胞生物学:细胞间信号交流
- 生物化学:物质-能量分配与代谢调控
- 生理学:结构-功能;稳态;反馈
Developmental biology
- how does a single cell-fertilized egg-give rise to a multicellular organism - TIME
- In which a multiplicity of different cell types are organized into tissues and organs to make up a 3D body - SPACE
Developmental Biology: Survival & Reproduction
causal analysis of the cellular mechanisms that drive process of the growth, pattern formation and morphogenesis.
the differentiation of the fertilized egg into the many cell types of the body and by the construction functionally integrated organs
Development: genotype⇒phenotype
level of organization: molecule⇒ecosystem
processes: fertilization, cleavage, gastrulation, organogenesis, metamorphosis, regeneration, and senescence
evolution: descend by modification
Model organisms for the developmental study
- C. elegans
- Drosophila
- Arabidopsis
- 斑马鱼
- 青蛙
- 鸡
- Mouse
- Human
介绍发育中的Differentiation细胞分化与Pattern formation图式建成
Morphogenesis, Growth, Reproduction, Regeneration, Environmental Integration, Evolution
cell differentiation: specification & determination
- outer layer: sensor system, cpu
- internal layer: 处理外界物质转化为内部能量
- middle layer

Regulatory DNA seems largely responsible for the differences between animal species
cell differentiation, pattern formation / morphogenesis
1 apparent axis ⇒ 囊胚(动物极植物极)⇒2 apparent axis⇒3 apparent axis
Paradigm Shifts in DB study
- experimental embryology
- developmental (molecular) genetics
- systems biology
- synthetic biology / bioengineering