Atom interaction network
protein-protein interaction network
gene regulatory network
metabolic network
neuron network
disease spread network
human disease network
food web
citation network
reference collection
Graph theory
random network
scale-free network (无标注网络)
Case study: To cite and to be cited
The impact factor = (year3 citation published) / (year1+year2 articles published)
- Balance between novel and conventional combinations of references
- Effects of these combinations on the impact of the paper
- solo vs team
Technical issues
- Qualify combinations
- control network
- define novel & conventional combinations
- z-score = (observed - expected) / (SD of expected)
- z-score越小,出现概率越低。
- distribution of z-scores
Novel and conventional
- 高novel and 高conventional 有更大概率成为高被引文章
Team Science increases novelty but still maintains conventionality
- Most papers cite exceptionally conventional combinations of prior literature
Delayed recognition
poor correlation between short-term and long-term citation
Minimal citation model
- Preferential attachment ()
- highly cited papers are more likely to be cited again
- Aging ()
- the novelty of a paper decay over time
- Fitness ()
- inherent novelty and importance of a paper

- , immediacy
- , decay rate
- , relative fitness
- total citations acquired by a paper during its lifetime is independent of immediacy and decay rate
what does it take to become a pi?

Noteworthy discoveries
- Gender (Male positive)
- More first-author papers/year can compensate lack of high IF papers
- More middle-author papers are of NO help, unless published in high IF journals
- Negative effect of author numbers on first-author paper
- Scientist who has low IF but high citations/IF can still become PI but takes more time
6.2% became Pi
papers are generated faster than you read
navigate your research and career
expedite manuscript & thesis writing
Source of reference
- search engine
- bing
- Google scholar
- 百度
- 百度学术
- database
- Pubmed
- Web of science
- 万方
- 中国知网
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Google trend
Google scholar
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